Saturday, November 10, 2012

Sorry everyone for lack of updates. Thing is I have new priorities and I can't spend time writing on this blog. I don't even like to write :P and therefore it's tough to get my thoughts down in words on paper in a proper manner so that others can understand what's being said. I will leave my posts up and the links for anyone that comes across them. I know that this content, though it's not much, can help others start changing their lives for the better.

Peace and Love my brothers and sisters!

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Attitude of Gratitude!

Wow! Time sure does fly. 10 minutes ago I found out what I was going to write about next. It just came to me.

It is Gratitude. They say having an attitude of gratitude is how you live a life of abundance! I don't know who they is but it's a very important factor in living a fun, happy and abundant life. Be grateful for your existence first off. And be grateful for waking up in the morning knowing you are still alive. So yes the last two sentences are essentially the same thing.

From my experience... I've met people who are just naturally grateful.. or maybe they write in a journal everyday about what they are grateful for. Either way it shows outwardly. You can feel it. BUT also I've met people who are negative and complain about EVERYTHING! I know some people who find negativity to be funny and that's all fine and dandy if it's coming from a light hearted place but to me it's wasted energy. How about not being negative and not complaining? The majority of these negative people live mediocre lives. They worry about everything, claim they aren't lucky enough or don't have enough, and just don't get it. Everything you have now is all you will ever need (exception of food and water.. unless you do have those :D), I guarantee it. BUT if you want some extra things in your life like love and money then be grateful for what you have now. Be grateful for you. Be grateful for your family. Let go of the expectation. Let life run its course. Let life give you things J Let life bring you happiness… I do not recommend sitting on a couch all day writing in your gratitude journal LOL

A buddy of mine recently (5 months ago) started using the Deep Gratitude and Appreciation subliminal from He is now getting off his psychological medication. He also told me that his breathing deepened and became slower because he started thinking a lot less and living in the moment. Listening to his heart. He then started using Everything is Possible subliminal and literally found his calling over night. He began sculpting and painting and now 3 months later he is having his own art show and exhibition. Everything is Possible helped him get over a lot of fears especially fear of the unknown and Deep Gratitude and Appreciation helped stay peaceful and joyous. What’s awesome from my experience with these subliminals is that long term use (3- 6 months) can create permanent results and override old beliefs.

I’m not trying to directly advertise the products but I guess I am :P Either way the main theme is to be grateful for your life. When you are grateful you create love and peace within yourself! This gets rid of a lot of fears and helps you inspire others. What I do every night is write in my gratitude log. I’m feeling better everyday and my health is improving tremendously. I say this because a few months back I started developing nerve issues in my leg and my arm. The arm thing developed long before and I thought it was my desk job and working on the computer all the time. It could be part of the problem but the main problem also is I didn’t feel good about anything really. I was just getting all stressed out. I’d have my great and good days but challenging days as well. This resulted in a lot of tension and stress that my body was not used to and the only other way it could handle it is by telling me something. One of the biggest factors of the past week to my fast healing is being grateful for my existence. My apartment. My bed. The free chicken salad sandwich I got today at the local organic market ;) (free things are fun). It’s just a chain reaction of amazing events. I highly recommend starting a gratitude log to anyone. Now, I've found some balance and enjoy my job again. It's all about perspective. If you don’t have much time on your hands and are a busy man/woman/boy/girl.. get your hands on the Deep Gratitude and Appreciation subliminal. Just play it while you sleep. J

I really do hope I encouraged all of you. Peace and love everyone!

Monday, August 13, 2012


My apologies everyone for not writing an article again like I promised. In the meantime please watch this video to educate yourself some more on breathing.

Monday, August 6, 2012

Another playlist!

Everyone, I hope you enjoy this other playlist. Been playing this and the one below for several days now on loop. Of course with some breaks in between :)

I have a good idea next of what I'd like to write about and hope you stay tuned. I'll have something in the next week as I try to juggle my busy schedule.. but I will post.


Sunday, July 29, 2012

If you want to be great, then you will have to feel great and act great. Many people think they have to seek approval. All you have to do is approve of yourself.

Disclaimer: I did not come up with this quote.

Monday, July 2, 2012

Make yourself and setting the example

As you know our thoughts are a huge part of what we are. Or did you know that? What you may not know is that our subconscious mind is very literal and whatever you say to yourself and how it makes you feel will only attract things that are in the same vibration-al (is that a word?) frequency as your thoughts are.

For example, whatever makes you feel good is sure to bring you more good feelings and possibly physical positive manifestations if you choose. Positive thoughts have a different frequency than negative thoughts do. Negative thoughts usually lead to negative feelings which is why we consider them negative. But these thoughts are very real and you are in the process of creating something through your thoughts. If it's something physical you might physically manifest pain along the way in a short period of time depending on what it is. Mostly it would be something small. And if you think of something good and it makes you feel good you are only creating something great for yourself. All the time. So get rid of that negativity.

I like to set the example nowadays. I never used to take it seriously but I do now. I don't take life seriously anymore but what's important to me now is setting the example for other human beings. If you feel good all the time it's hard not to set the example for others. Tip your waitress, open the doors for others, even thank the janitors for all their hard work. I actively preach "Do what you want to do!" but do what you feel is right and what will help you and others in the best way possible. I like to say to myself these days "I will always leave things better than I found them and that goes for everything."

I'm not telling you to do any of these things but I'm just here to let you know if you don't already do this you will be helping yourself by doing them. I'm no master.. I'm just a friend here to spread the word. I thought of this subject while at work and figured I'd write up something about positive thinking and being the example for others. If you have any suggestions or questions feel free to leave some comments. In the mean time I'd like to share with you this nice product from the Subliminal Shop!

Remove Negativity from Within 4th generation!

And you may have been wondering why am I providing these links to the Subliminal-Shop.. I am an affiliate marketer. I choose to promote Shannon's (subliminal designer) products here because they help me and I believe they can help others in magical ways. Almost other worldly. This is just the next generation in technology! Shannon is a great person for spending so much time on his research so It would be great for him to get more supporters of his genius work. Might as well have fun too :)

Peace guys and gals until next time.